- Geo-Process Modeling: Make Your Exploration Decisions with the Highest Confidence -
- Geo-process modeling made easy
- Check your mineral or hydrogen systems analysis for consistency
- We will de-risk your mineral or hydrogen exploration project
- Fit-for-purpose solutions for your exploration challenges
- Maximize the value of your data and knowledge
- Identify superior-value ore deposits with higher confidence
Terranta provides a range of innovative software technologies designed to
- help you test different mineral systems hypotheses and make informed decisions about your exploration strategy.
- model natural hydrogen systems
- model geological processes to de-risk your commercial decisions
From our chemical modeling software, TerrantaLab, to our full 3D reactive flow software, TerrantaFlow, our suite of software tools enables you to develop detailed models of the geological system controlling mineralization, and to predict deposit types, sizes, and quality.
At Terranta, we understand that every exploration project is unique, which is why we offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs and objectives. Our team of experienced geologists (basin analysts) and mineral exploration experts work closely with you to develop comprehensive mineral systems models that identify key controls on mineralization, and to develop strategies that minimize exploration risks and maximize your chances of success.
Whether you’re a junior exploration company or a major mining company, our mineral and hydrogen systems modeling services and software technologies can help you achieve your exploration goals and maximize your returns on investment. Contact us today to learn more about how Terranta can help you stay ahead of the curve in the mineral exploration industry!
Don’t let your drill bits drill into the dark!

Looking for a reliable way to de-risk your exploration projects and optimize your mining operations? Terranta’s Mineral Systems Modeling has got you covered! Our advanced technology uses conceptually-driven dynamic data models to accurately predict the distribution and quality of new mineral resources.
By reproducing the geological and chemical properties of your mineral systems elements and ore-forming processes, we can help you better understand the key factors impacting the occurrence and distribution of ore bodies. With our Mineral Systems Modeling technology, you can make informed investment decisions, reduce risks, and optimize your exploration strategies to improve the efficiency and profitability of your mining operations.
Our Mineral Systems Modeling services are customized to meet your specific needs and can be applied to both greenfield and brownfield exploration sites. By analyzing the working mineral system through geological time, we can help you identify potential mineralization zones, estimate the size and grade of mineral deposits, and assess the economic viability of your projects.
At Terranta, we are committed to providing our clients with high-quality, innovative, and customized Mineral Systems Modeling solutions. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you better understand the systems you explore and achieve your mining goals.
De-risk your exploration projects with Terranta technologies

- Get more out of your data
- Add the time-factor to your understanding of the mineral system and see your mineral system in action
- Quantitatively assess your resources
- Take more informed decisions
Use drilling to test your models instead of drilling to build your models.
mineral system
in action
Terranta presented at the natural hydrogen conference HNAT 2024 in Paris its solution to modeling natural hydrogen systems.
Watch the video here
Terranta joins the Colorado School of Mines/USGS/University of Colorado Natural Hydrogen JIP as research partner. Together with the industry partners (BP, Chevron, Fortesque Future Industries, HyTerra, Koloma and Petrobras), we are bringing the latest research on natural hydrogen to our customers to model hydrogen systems in commercial applications.
Based on our latest case study of the Silvermines Zink/Lead deposit in Ireland, we have created a video illustrating how Terranta technologies, workflows and services can help you de-risk your exploration projects.
Visit our Vimeo channel to see all our videos.
As part of the German Pavilion, Terranta will showcase their technologies at the PDAC conference in Toronto 5. – 8. March 2023.
Additionally, Terranta will present case studies in 2D and 3D as part of the Mineral Systems Analysis and Modeling Session.
Please join us in Toronto and see how we can support you in your mineral exploration workflows.
Check out our Vimeo Channel for a very short introduction to Terranta

Check out our new Consortium Webpage specifically addressing the opportunities of our industry consortium.
Terranta is inviting your company to participate in and sponsor the development of our commercial simulator for Mineral Systems Modeling and prediction.
We will post regularly news and updates on our Vimeo channel to keep you informed about what’s cooking at Terranta.

Terranta made it into the top-10 of the Business-Foundation competition „Gründerwettbewerb AC² 2021/22“.
Terranta congratulates the H-Box team to take home the first price during the the ceremony in the Aachen town hall last week.
Even though Terranta did not win one of the top three prices, we are still very happy that with Terranta, a geoscience team was nominated from about 180 contestants.

Terranta made it into the top-10 of the Business-Foundation competition „Gründerwettbewerb AC² 2021/22“.
We are excited to see which of the top-10 teams will come in first on June 2nd.