Shape, accelerate and seize the value of the world's first Mineral systems Modeling Tool Kit.
Terranta is inviting your company to participate in and sponsor the development of our commercial simulator for Mineral Systems Modeling and prediction.
- Establish process-oriented thinking and operations through Mineral Systems Analysis/Modeling to de-risk exploration decisions.
- Develop quantitative process modeling technologies that can test exploration hypothesis.
- Foster knowledge exchange in order to establish standard workflows and best practices in mineral systems analysis/modeling.
Develop Fit-For-Purpose Software Solutions to Forward Model Ore Formation Processes
Based on the requirements and priorities of all consortium members, we will develop fit-for-purpose simulator technologies to test your mineral systems hypothesis.
Our key value proposition is to increase the value of your mineral systems analysis and to deliver the knowledge needed to make more informed investment decisions.
Be part of the revolution in mineral exploration and join us today.
Don’t let your drill bits drill into the dark!

Your Membership Options
As an active member of the development consortium you will have full access to influence the technical scope and to profit from knowledge transfer. Active members will benefit from an individual support and consulting budget to carry out your own case studies at any time.
As a scientific partner, you are invited to support the technological development of subsurface mineral deposit forming processes. With your knowledge and data sets, your membership will enable the development of latest scientific insights. Your membership will be free of charge.

interested to learn more?
Sign up here and we will contact you!
mineral system
in action